August 1, 2006
the phoenix laments
after months of trying to squeeze in time from my crazy sched to finish Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince book, i have finally am updated in the HP series. pretty sad ending if you'd ask me. i was almost in tears by the end of the book. i can be really sensitive when it comes to losing someone especially thru death.
i don't know, rainy season always has this gloomy effect on me. it just becomes more profound when i read a sad book or watch a sad movie. however, i love dancing in the rain. go figure. when i was growing up i used to play in the rain with my friends. that is if my parents are out coz otherwise i need to stay put at home. hehehe
well, its nice to be back in my reading hobby...i think at times its better than playing poker. actually, it really depends on my mood. the past few days, i'd rather be a couch potato and read books or watch dvd's. not into socializing much. i'm really tired from work so that when i get extra time i try to relax at home and get some needed rest.
ok, wanted to write some more....but i have to interview this guy who could be joining my team anytime soon. i need all the help i can get these days. its a good thing that my boss is very supportive of my group. lucky me!
i don't know, rainy season always has this gloomy effect on me. it just becomes more profound when i read a sad book or watch a sad movie. however, i love dancing in the rain. go figure. when i was growing up i used to play in the rain with my friends. that is if my parents are out coz otherwise i need to stay put at home. hehehe
well, its nice to be back in my reading hobby...i think at times its better than playing poker. actually, it really depends on my mood. the past few days, i'd rather be a couch potato and read books or watch dvd's. not into socializing much. i'm really tired from work so that when i get extra time i try to relax at home and get some needed rest.
ok, wanted to write some more....but i have to interview this guy who could be joining my team anytime soon. i need all the help i can get these days. its a good thing that my boss is very supportive of my group. lucky me!

Posted by princess_bride on August 1, 2006 at 09:21 AM | 14 danced with me