Entries for March, 2018

I have been doing some introspection the past few months. I realized how insufficient I am in a lot of things and in a lot of facets of my life - Cognitive, Psychological, Spiritual, Physical, etc. For some of them, I could do something about it and I am currently trying to plan how to nourish those of which I am deficient.

For one, I think I haven't maxxed out my brain functionalities. And I honestly feel that I need to do some brain exercises to make me intellectually fit. How do I address this? Well, I want to go back to school - take an MBA or try to get a certifcation as a CMA (Certified Management Accountant). Easier said than done. I need resources for this and currently, with 3 kids still in school, I am not sure I can afford time and money on this right now. So to mitigate this, I am taking some short courses to get my brain back to learning stuff. I recently learned that there is a study that for your brain to be fit you will also need to do some physical work outs. Also, some cognitive exercises available in some apps e.g. Luminosity

Psychological - I guess the target is to develop my psychological flexibility. Learn new things everyday. (e.g Learn a new word, a historical date, a bit of trivia, etc.) Do something differently often. (e.g. if you drink coffee using your right hand, try using your left hand for a change) Change familiar routines. (e.g. have tea instead of coffee, read a book instead of watching a korea novela, etc.) Get out of my comfort zone. (do a harder crossword puzzle, learn a new hobby, etc)

Spiritual - I am not a hardcore church goer or what not. But I feel so disconnected with Him and I feel I had to do something about it. I chanced upon a friend sharing in facebook a "Living Lent Daily" subscription from the Loyola Press. I have also subscribed to their 3 minute retreat and found it very enlighterning. The daily reading is definitely food for the soul and I am happy to set aside a few minutes of my time for this reflections.

Physical - I have so many health conditions and wouldn't even know how to start fixing them. Mostly, fixing involves taking a lot of meds and seeing a lot of medical specialists which is kind of a reactive approach. I want to do it differently. I need to inject some daily exercises into my schedule. I have a lot of reasons not to but I should make time for this. Also, I need to invest in some helpful nutrition supplements. And try to change my lifestyle. Good luck on that. Hahaha

I should remember: Think well, act well, feel well, be well.

Currently listening to: Rewrite the stars - Zac Efron, Zendaya
Currently watching: Hospital Ship
Currently feeling: determined
Posted by princess_bride on March 12, 2018 at 04:45 PM | dance with me

I would just like to vent today. Never a fan of office politics but you really can't get away with it. There is this certain group who was a challenge to deal with from the start. I don't think its personal but I truly believe it has something to do with people I'm connected with whom they dislike.

I will be having a meeting with them tonight and I always dread the days I need to interface with them. Ok, I realize it is something I cannot control. So I need a change in perspective. (insert expletives here)

Currently listening to: The Middle - Zee, Marren Morris, Grey
Currently watching: Hospital Ship
Currently feeling: anxious
Posted by princess_bride on March 14, 2018 at 10:28 AM | dance with me

thin place is a term used for millennia to describe a place in time where the space between heaven and earth grows thin and the Sacred and the secular seem to meet.


it's not everyday that we encounter our "thin place". yesterday, i encountered mine in the most inconspicuous place - in a spa. i got the package SP 2 which had body scrub and body massage. so had to do the body scrub first and the lady named Angel who did it, hooked me into a very engaging and enlightening conversation. and for some reason i just felt His presence and that everthing happens for a reason.

i have been feeling desperate the past few days. really - when it rains it pours. and here this lady was sharing about her recent experience of losing her home to a fire, where her kids had to live with her in laws until she and her husband can find a way to rebuild their home. and it was a third of a seemingly continuous bad luck she was having since the start of the year. her youngest had dengue and had heart complications, and then she met a road accident and then the fire.

somehow, i share in her desperation. since my Mom is in the hospital for more than 3 months now and not having any significant development neurulogically. and then our financial woes at home because of this. everything just seem to be such a burden. and i'm running out of ideas how we can survive. the lady named Angel was an inspiration. she may have been human for the first few weeks of her predicament but she had to stand strong and make all effort to fight.

i just felt it. it was a message, that we all are going through bad bumps in our lives. that He wanted to comfort me and hear His message through Angel. she said, "di naman tayo bibigyan ng pagsubok na di natin kaya lusutan." so cliche yet so profound.

Thank you Lord for sending an Angel.

Currently feeling: grateful
Posted by princess_bride on March 22, 2018 at 09:47 AM | dance with me
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