so there are stuff at work right now that dampens my spirit. we have been asked for a $5M budget cut from our business unit alone. what does that mean? headcount cuts, travel bans, and other cost cutting activities. recently, there were movements in the higher ups. so change in leadership means change in strategies. and the current one seem to still be adjusting to her new post. problem is there are directions that are delegated to people who shouldn't be involved at all.

case in point, request for detailed 2016 forecast of education spend for all geos. sent globally by a non-finance person in charge of Americas. figure that out right. and then consolidation will be done by the data analytics person. another big question mark. so i raised this up with my boss in the US. and he gave me excuses abt needing statistical data from these reports. whatever right? if it's finance related all communication shld be coming from finance, even consolidation shld be done by finance. well, i felt that my boss knew i was annoyed at how it was done. i just said that it was sending the wrong signals and at the rate the organization is going, its best to avoid unrest among the team. he agrees and said he understood where i was coming from.

i know i said in an fb post that i was liking my "horizon" right now. but when i encounter stuff like this i just can't help but think if i can consider this job as something long term. i wouldn't want to think that i want to retire here. nothing is constant in this world but change. so i am opening my path for "forks" in the road. wherever my feet leads me, i just pray that it will always be the right direction. i am not getting any younger, i want to retire prepared in a sense that i don't want to burden others when i get old.

Currently listening to: Hero - Monsta X
Currently reading: Falling Leaves - Adeline Yen Mah
Currently watching: Faith - kdrama
Currently feeling: annoyed
Posted by princess_bride on December 9, 2015 at 10:14 PM | 2 danced with me
Comment posted on January 21st, 2016 at 09:47 PM
Change. Everything changes, even if we don't want if to. Hopefully for the better. Cheers to 2016 bringing us to the right direction!
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Comment posted on January 22nd, 2016 at 12:16 PM
true that! cheers!!!