so just learned this morning that my family's favorite mall, robinsons galleria was on fire since last night and was only controlled early a.m. i hope that operations are not that affected coz we really love going to this mall, quite near our home, not too crowded and shops are pretty much classy. what could have caused the fire? that's another question.

we had our share of a nightmarish encounter when our neighbor caught fire december last yr. the fire actually crept to our roof already and we were not able to bring out much stuff except some important docs and our bebe dogs. and then a close call two months ago when the wire going to our main electricity tripped and caused so much smoke which happened mid afternoon (which is a blessing otherwise we would have burnt the whole apartment) where our neighbor called our attention and asked us to turn the electricity off.

my kids and i have been so traumatized that even a slight smell of smoke triggers instant panic. well, the house where we live in now is quite old already and its difficult with hubby not around when these things happen.

on a different note, noticed that a lot of old tabulistas have been writing again. its just so nice to have this site back. kudos to tabulistas who keep this blogsite alive. and of course to Roy who made this space for us and keeps it going inspite of and despite of. Cheers!  

Currently listening to: Love Somebody - Maroon 5
Currently reading: the cuckoo's calling
Currently watching: Awkward S3
Currently feeling: busy
Posted by princess_bride on October 30, 2013 at 12:08 PM | dance with me
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