unbelievable, its been three years. checked on blog archives just to refresh my memory. and until now i tried to read between the lines, like solving a puzzle, why things came to be. amazing to still feel a pang of pain inside while i went through the pages. at least now there are no more tears. it was not for me. i deserved something better and i learned my lesson well. one-way streets were never the right way to go. cause when you get lost there's no turning back.

no closure - i guess that's what i need. things were never made clear to me. i never felt so small in my life, so insignificant. not that the past still matters to me, i have learned the art of keeping myself detached, at arms length and make sure i never make the same mistake again. last december was a perfect example, that no matter what happens i can manage not to start the flame.

hmmmm maybe after a few more years. i will learn to forget how it felt.

Currently listening to: daylight - kelly rowland and gym class heroes
Currently feeling: sad
Posted by princess_bride on July 15, 2008 at 09:19 PM | 2 danced with me
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roselle (guest)

Comment posted on October 11th, 2008 at 01:34 AM
the reason i "closed" my tabulas. i don't have the courage to reread and go through the pages that documents the most heart shattering moment of my life.
Comment posted on October 14th, 2008 at 08:39 PM
i understand sis. this is my 2nd tab account already. i left the first one due to the same reasons you have. but then again, i realized that even the bad things no matter how painful and repulsive to remember are there. it happened and it's part of who you are now. all wounds heal in time...;-)