right now my hearts deepest desire is to go somewhere nice and get myself pampered. a body spa would be great of course matched with a very peaceful vacation place and a good book. yes i'd really like that for my birthday. but its such a long shot for something like that to happen. #1 im freaking sick since sunday it held me up from my gym sched and even from work #2 work is driving me crazy sigh

i have so much to say related to the title. but i ended up deleting most of it. i guess i'm not ready to share abt that part of my life just yet. baka mausog. heheheh all i can say abt it right now is that its making my heart smile. let's see where this will get me. i hope its something better.

Currently listening to: loving you - george micheal and mary j blige
Currently feeling: hopeful
Posted by princess_bride on May 31, 2007 at 04:23 PM | dance with me
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