some people only worry about getting the best life has to give.

but a few people - special people - think its more important to give life your best.

some people wait around, hoping good things will come to them;

you're working hard to make good things happen.

you're dreaming new dreams.

learning new things.

and accepting new challenges.

some people might be afraid of new experiences, of taking risks, but you never let that stop you.

moment by moment, day by day, you're becoming the person you want to be, and for that you're someone to be admired.

- linda staten

this was a message given to me by my officemates during my birthday last year. funny how they seem to look up to me. i guess i'm good at projecting this image...but deep inside, i'm a broken person. a lot of things that happened in my life made me one. well, i don't want to disappoint people though. i have to carry on. i mean, this tough-on-the- outside but crushed-on- the-inside-me.

would you believe, i'm still at work? and i've been working late hours the past few days. here i am waiting for my physical self to break down again before i get to take some rest. tsk tsk tsk...i guess i'm like this when i'm worked up about something. i work myself to death....hahahah. (of course i'm exaggerating, duh?)

Currently listening to: i wanna be loved - eric benet
Currently feeling: working
Posted by princess_bride on February 22, 2006 at 09:08 PM | 2 danced with me
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Comment posted on February 22nd, 2006 at 10:03 PM
ei sis... don't ya worry you are not alone :-D

Happy Working! btw, today's jong's birthday :-)
Comment posted on February 23rd, 2006 at 01:18 PM
thanks sis. *hugs*