all soul's day always gives me a chance to visit special people in my heart whom i know that even if they are not physically with me, serve as my line to heaven.

Lolo and Lola Soriano - they took care of me when i was little. back when my dad had to work in Iloilo and had to bring the whole family there while i was left in Manila to study. they loved me so much that i was expecting that my parents could equal that affection. sadly, they could not.

Jojo - my brother in law who died in the Ozone disco fire last 1995. he was the brother i never had. so kind and so loving, i guess that's why God had to get him at such an early age.

Carlos Jothan - my baby i lost of february last year. i've been longing for another son but i guess God has other plans. health issues were reasons why i was ligated afterwards. and i can't have kids anymore. i know that i have an angel in heaven watching over me. i guess i have to focus on my 3 remaining kids.

i am no saint, i don't pretend to be someone perfect...but i hope despite all of angels will guide me through this life. i believe that everybody deserves to be in heaven - we just have to work on it. and it helps if we call on people close to Him...our line to heaven. 

Currently listening to: human - human league
Currently feeling: mellow
Posted by princess_bride on October 28, 2005 at 10:09 AM | 2 danced with me
Comment posted on October 29th, 2005 at 03:00 AM
yup, they are up there cheering for us. :) may they rest in peace in His arms. :)
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Comment posted on October 29th, 2005 at 03:49 PM
hi balong, nice to hear from you again. enjoy your vacation. ;-)