You left me in the shadows
Tears sting my eyes
Heart was left broken
No words of comfort given

You left me in the darkness
Senses groping for your presence
Not a hand nor a shoulder felt around
I was left alone

You left me there with nothing
Only with pain and tears
To keep me company
I hurt so bad, I felt numb later on

You left me in the still of the night
With no stars to look up to
Only the dark skies up above
And a cloud-covered moon

Is this the place I belong to
Only shadows and blackness surround
I want my place in the sunlight
Where I could be warm
And comforted once more

- gsg

Currently listening to: the good kind - the wreckers
Currently feeling: mellow
Posted by princess_bride on September 5, 2005 at 04:17 PM | dance with me
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