morning person
I wake up early and go to work early to jumpstart my day. I feel sluggish and stressed if I do otherwise. Today, I am in as early as 7:30. We don't have strict time monitoring at work. I work from home most of the time actually. However, it is not the same for the team I belong in. Most of them come in late and go home late. I guess because most of them are single? Anyway, my point is....I am alone for 3 hours in the morning and it's freaky sometimes hahaha Good thing I have my music with me.
On another note, Grab these days are so expensive. Even when you do grabshare. I don't drive (and no plans of doing so anytime soon...hehehe) Hubby usually needs to be early on site so I am left to my own devices basically. It's good that I only go to work 2x a week. Otherwise it's just too difficult to commute. Ang init at ang lagkit pagdating sa office. Hassle. Grab needs to have strong competition so they don't monopolize the market. Sigh