I have been doing some introspection the past few months. I realized how insufficient I am in a lot of things and in a lot of facets of my life - Cognitive, Psychological, Spiritual, Physical, etc. For some of them, I could do something about it and I am currently trying to plan how to nourish those of which I am deficient.
For one, I think I haven't maxxed out my brain functionalities. And I honestly feel that I need to do some brain exercises to make me intellectually fit. How do I address this? Well, I want to go back to school - take an MBA or try to get a certifcation as a CMA (Certified Management Accountant). Easier said than done. I need resources for this and currently, with 3 kids still in school, I am not sure I can afford time and money on this right now. So to mitigate this, I am taking some short courses to get my brain back to learning stuff. I recently learned that there is a study that for your brain to be fit you will also need to do some physical work outs. Also, some cognitive exercises available in some apps e.g. Luminosity
Psychological - I guess the target is to develop my psychological flexibility. Learn new things everyday. (e.g Learn a new word, a historical date, a bit of trivia, etc.) Do something differently often. (e.g. if you drink coffee using your right hand, try using your left hand for a change) Change familiar routines. (e.g. have tea instead of coffee, read a book instead of watching a korea novela, etc.) Get out of my comfort zone. (do a harder crossword puzzle, learn a new hobby, etc)
Spiritual - I am not a hardcore church goer or what not. But I feel so disconnected with Him and I feel I had to do something about it. I chanced upon a friend sharing in facebook a "Living Lent Daily" subscription from the Loyola Press. I have also subscribed to their 3 minute retreat and found it very enlighterning. The daily reading is definitely food for the soul and I am happy to set aside a few minutes of my time for this reflections.
Physical - I have so many health conditions and wouldn't even know how to start fixing them. Mostly, fixing involves taking a lot of meds and seeing a lot of medical specialists which is kind of a reactive approach. I want to do it differently. I need to inject some daily exercises into my schedule. I have a lot of reasons not to but I should make time for this. Also, I need to invest in some helpful nutrition supplements. And try to change my lifestyle. Good luck on that. Hahaha
I should remember: Think well, act well, feel well, be well.