a fork in the road
My family and I are facing the most difficult and painful decision in our lives. My Mom is in coma and on life support for exactly one week yesterday. I have 3 younger siblings and being the eldest it seems like the brunt of the decision making is on me. Or so I thought. We have been fighting like crazy, arguing how to move forward with Mom. 2 on 2 so we are on lockdown. Whether to proceed with trachaeostomy and putting a peg on her tummy or just pulling the plug. She has very minimal brain activity and have been severely damaged due to the 20 minute revival procedures done to her in the ER. She had a series of seizures and could have added up to the current brain damage she has.
Yesterday she had very minimal corneal reactions and she can slightly breathe on her own but not totally without the ventilator on her. My heart is very weak as it is. I cannot keep this combative state with my sisters if I want to live longer. I just pray now for discernment and for peace in our hearts. May we make the best decision for my Mom. May God continue to perform His daily miracles. Whatever is good in His perfect time.