these days it's just difficult to get reliable househelp. longest stay with us was 7 yrs. but i guess times have changed. they would rather look for store help or factories. with that, we are left to fend for ourselves. i normally am used to just getting up in the morning and preparing myself for work. now, i have to wake up really early and prepare breakfast, clean a bit before leaving the house. not so difficult to do. but quite a significant adjustment to my daily sched.

i currently have someone who comes in daily to help around but she comes around after lunch. which is fine. but now i find myself instead of going out i'd rather be left at home and do household chores than going out and then coming back with tons of house work to do. it's like being abroad. even laundry places now have machines where you can just drop money and let it do it's thing. which i don't have to do as i have one at home. what i dread the most is ironing. i hate it. i can do everything at home except iron. not unless i don't have a choice.

on another note, i am just not in the mood to do anything today. i hate mondays! =(

Currently feeling: sleepy
Posted by princess_bride on April 3, 2017 at 09:13 AM | dance with me
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