A 1987 movie starring Steve Martin and Daryl Hannah. I must admit I have not seen it, or if I did I have totally forgot about it. It was based on the book 'Cyrano De Bergerac' by Edmond Rostand. A love triangle between Cyrano, Christian and Roxane. I have read that it was a touching story of love and sacrifice. I should try looking for a copy of this book then. Here's a heart-wrenching script by Cyrano that Christian used as his final love letter to Roxane:
Mon coeur ne vous quitta jamais une seconde et je suis et serai jusque dans l'autre monde celui qui vous aima sans mesure...
In translation: My heart never left you for a second and I am and will be until in the other world one who loved you without measure...
Awww. Who wouldn't fall for that line?
On a different note, I have been feeling lethargic for the past few weeks. I don't know if its because of the new meds I've been taking for my diabetes (among others) or I am just plainly feeling sad and depressed. A good sleep evades me. I wake up at exactly 2:30 in the morning and couldn't get back to sleep. Our rusty bed might give in any moment now with all the tossing and turning I have been doing all night. Sigh.
I miss my hubby. Much has been happening with the global financial meltdown and all, I shouldn't complain. But I desperately want him back. I can't bear the thought of him not being able to get enough rest and working like a horse for us, his family. I must be punishing myself for having all the good things while he's out there suffering. I never wanted it like this. And I swear to God I am not spending my whole life with him away most of the time. A family shouldn't be apart.
Slowly, we are putting this family together. My youngest daughter who stays with my in-laws will be coming home for good and study with her adings this June. We are all excited and looking forward to having my baby back. And soon I know hubby will be home for good too. If not, I will do everything in my power for all of us to be together again.