lucky or not?

celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary last monday. i thought inspite of our problems we are doing better this time.

and comes my and everytime he gets drunk he tortures me with his emotional baggages. i hate it!

we were supposed to take the kids out tonight. but then he went on another drinking spree with a friend...poofff our well-made plans went crazy! and now we're throwing text messages threatening each other to go our separate ways again.

damn. i'm tired of this sick cycle carousel. i need a breather.
Currently feeling: annoyed
Posted by princess_bride on May 24, 2007 at 07:12 PM | 2 danced with me
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Comment posted on May 25th, 2007 at 02:22 PM
sigh... perhaps, it's love. can't stick my ass out even in the most virtuous person in the world -- the fomc (father of my child).

marriage is scary. you need lots and lots of love. and really a firm decision.
Comment posted on May 25th, 2007 at 02:36 PM
true, marriage is a lot of things. and you need more than love and firm decision to work it out. most important is compromise and constant communication.

its not a bed of roses. sometimes i'm thinking if i'm staying for the wrong reasons.

there is no forever...there is only day to day resolve to stick with the person you made your vows with.