November 17, 2006
just one
At this moment, there are six billion, four hundred seventy million, eight hundred eighteen thousand, six hundred seventy one people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just not facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world, six billion souls. And sometimes all you need is one. ~ One Tree Hill
i've been invited to be one of the principal sponsors in the wedding of one of my staff. it will be held at 7am tomorrow in San Carlos, Pangasinan. sabi nila pang-amoy lupa lang daw ang nagni-ninang sa kasal. funny, coz that was exactly what i thought of before. but then, as i came of age (33 is still barely young to be a ninang right?) being a "ninang" should be an honor and a privilege to be of guidance to the married couple.
i don't know what's with these times, i have 3 people under me who are on the family way. (may virus ata dito sa area namin
) some are getting married some are not. and i fully respect their decision whatever it may be. let it be known that i still believe in marriage. that its not just a piece of paper but rather a sincere commitment to love each other no matter what. but i also believe that it does not work for everybody. different folks, different strokes.
yes, 6 billion people....6 billion personalities...6 billion different beliefs... and its true, that sometimes all you need is one who could truly understand, love and complement you.
i've been invited to be one of the principal sponsors in the wedding of one of my staff. it will be held at 7am tomorrow in San Carlos, Pangasinan. sabi nila pang-amoy lupa lang daw ang nagni-ninang sa kasal. funny, coz that was exactly what i thought of before. but then, as i came of age (33 is still barely young to be a ninang right?) being a "ninang" should be an honor and a privilege to be of guidance to the married couple.
i don't know what's with these times, i have 3 people under me who are on the family way. (may virus ata dito sa area namin

yes, 6 billion people....6 billion personalities...6 billion different beliefs... and its true, that sometimes all you need is one who could truly understand, love and complement you.
Posted by princess_bride on November 17, 2006 at 03:29 PM | 2 danced with me