i am still into the adjustment stage when it comes to my new position at work. so many people to deal with different personalities. i had to control myself from lashing out on some executives due to their difficult nature. well, i'm not saying that i am perfect though. i guess you can say that i am the non-confrontational type of person. but when pushed to the wall i get impulsive and i fight back.

yeah, i know i have to learn to deal with my emotional approach on problems. i have so many things to learn yet and i am just blessed to have good mentors who guide me in my daily encounters. God has ways in making His presence felt in your life. i am really thankful for that.

one of the advices i heard was "don't lose yourself in the process". this concerned citizen (actually she's the AVP of one department) told me how she can see my potential and how good-natured i am. she gave me an unsolicited advice. (though i welcomed it with an open mind and heart) it was given because of an email i sent to a VP to defend myself from being quickly judged because of a low rating i supposedly gave them during an annual review of their services.

i know i have a lot of things to learn as i go along this path. i am open to change and i welcome criticisms so that i can improve on my craft. i believe that success can only be measured through helping other people succeed. and i am sure proud of the potential of my team.

i cannot wait for the world to change. i should learn to go through the cycle....evolve...and work on the things that i can control....myself.
Currently listening to: best of you - foo fighters
Currently reading: love in the time of cholera - gabriel marquez
Currently feeling: stressed
Posted by princess_bride on September 5, 2006 at 01:16 PM | 2 danced with me
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Comment posted on September 6th, 2006 at 06:03 PM
"i believe that success can only be measured through helping other people succeed."

i have the same conviction, too, sis. sometimes, it feels unfair but i feel that this is the most noble of things to do. one does not only make other people succeed but he makes himself succeed as well. :)
Comment posted on September 6th, 2006 at 06:49 PM
yes it is. cheers! ;-)