July 28, 2006
of toads and princesses
a good friend shared another part of her life today. i can't help but empathize with her, for i know exactly how it feels to be in her shoe. been there done that. it is surely a vicious cycle my dear. a love-hate kind of rollercoaster ride of emotions. and one never knows how to deal with it, except when you fortunately find your way out. and that road is never easy to tread.
i remember how i used to make myself believe that i never needed commitment or reciprocity. i was dead wrong. for when you decide to go up the ladder and free fall, the least you can expect is for someone down there to try to catch you. it is sad to find out that there was nobody there to do that and it always breaks your heart in pieces.
on the other hand, you always find it in your heart to forgive and try your best to forget. only to realize that after a while, you're back at square one....always trying to fight your way out. see, its a never ending battle. as long as everything remains undefined and dysfunctional, so many issues will remain unsettled. because you are trying to kiss a toad to turn him into a prince...and get disappointed that all you ever got were warts.
i remember how i used to make myself believe that i never needed commitment or reciprocity. i was dead wrong. for when you decide to go up the ladder and free fall, the least you can expect is for someone down there to try to catch you. it is sad to find out that there was nobody there to do that and it always breaks your heart in pieces.
on the other hand, you always find it in your heart to forgive and try your best to forget. only to realize that after a while, you're back at square one....always trying to fight your way out. see, its a never ending battle. as long as everything remains undefined and dysfunctional, so many issues will remain unsettled. because you are trying to kiss a toad to turn him into a prince...and get disappointed that all you ever got were warts.
Posted by princess_bride on July 28, 2006 at 02:36 PM | dance with me