up the ladder
i transferred today to a new and bigger office space. its nice to have a view of the outside world this time. i also get to have a better telephone line compared to the trunkline i got in my previous area where you cannot get an outside line between 8 to 5. hell that's most of the day.
anywayz, was able to hire somebody this morning to replace the staff we promoted to take my previous post in the organization. all things smooth and dandy at this point. so much to organize...so much to do. challenging. i love it. so much has been happening in my career i hardly have time to check on my online friends. sigh...
well, rest assured that all of you are in my thoughts. will just have to learn to adjust to this new career move then i'll be back on my feet with regards to my social life. hehehe (i wish!) aside from the new post i am adjusting myself into...i have an M-W-F SAP Training in Libis every morning. then i have to rush back to ortigas to check on my departments needs. of course, i also have to be in Hagonoy twice a month (usually saturdays) for my sideline.
that's one full sched right there. in between, i have three kids to raise, discipline and guide. wowie! of course aside from the good things i have said earlier, there are bad things that creates balance in my life - my unresolved issues with my mom and sisters and my health problems. health problems are easy to manage, i see my doctors once a week and am taking meds and two insulin shots daily to control my sugar levels, etc.
the thing with my mom and sisters can really be a burden. it's sad that this has happened to my family. i've done my best. i cannot force them to listen to me if they aren't open to my side of the story. i pray hard that someday they will understand me and learn to respect me for being the eldest daughter/ sister.
meantime, there is so much for me to be thankful for. i should not dwell on the negativities...but rather learn from them.