April 11, 2006
don't look back
i'm beginning to hate myself for feeling this way. dratz! i feel like i'm always starting from scratch. time to get up girl. you are way beyond this. stop feeling sorry for yourself. finish all these emo stuff and leave it all behind. the buck stops here! let go, take your stand, chin up and keep moving...don't look back....remember never look back...for the past could begin to haunt you again. and it will be a never ending cycle.
to love is to give and to receive....if you just end up giving and giving and giving...then sorry to say...you got the other end not loving you back. so stop making a fool out of yourself. you deserve better.
okey na ba drama ko today...i hate PMS.
it makes me realize how stupid i can be...hahahah
to love is to give and to receive....if you just end up giving and giving and giving...then sorry to say...you got the other end not loving you back. so stop making a fool out of yourself. you deserve better.
okey na ba drama ko today...i hate PMS.

Posted by princess_bride on April 11, 2006 at 06:02 PM | 2 danced with me