April 6, 2006
home alone
my kids are on vacation. brought them to their lola last weekend for the summer. better than them having to fend for themselves at home while i'm at work. (still no househelp...sigh) been running around like crazy to make sure that everything is okey before i leave my kids and making sure that i finish my daily tasks at work really fast so that i can head home and prepare dinner for them. been trying to find darna's "stone" i'm sure it could help...hahaha
so now that i don't have worries of staying out late at work, i am beginning to get to breathe a little. but it gets really lonely when i go home. i miss having a riot at my kitchen and scolding my kids for fighting endlessly. hahaha...i miss my son who couldn't sleep without hugging me. he cried the first night that we were apart. i miss my eldest daughter for her concern about my health and about being overworked. i'm glad to have her around as i can depend on her to cook rice and any meal that can be fried.
ohhh...i miss my kids. they can be a handful sometimes, but it gets really really lonely without them. i decide not to have dinner coz i don't want to eat alone. (i wish it helps in keeping off the pounds..hehehe) i watch telenovelas until i fall asleep. and when i wake up in the middle of the night to check on my kids (force of habit) i sometimes wonder how long can i stand being home alone....
so now that i don't have worries of staying out late at work, i am beginning to get to breathe a little. but it gets really lonely when i go home. i miss having a riot at my kitchen and scolding my kids for fighting endlessly. hahaha...i miss my son who couldn't sleep without hugging me. he cried the first night that we were apart. i miss my eldest daughter for her concern about my health and about being overworked. i'm glad to have her around as i can depend on her to cook rice and any meal that can be fried.

ohhh...i miss my kids. they can be a handful sometimes, but it gets really really lonely without them. i decide not to have dinner coz i don't want to eat alone. (i wish it helps in keeping off the pounds..hehehe) i watch telenovelas until i fall asleep. and when i wake up in the middle of the night to check on my kids (force of habit) i sometimes wonder how long can i stand being home alone....

Posted by princess_bride on April 6, 2006 at 08:12 AM | 2 danced with me