what does it take to achieve happiness? how does one get hold of such an evasive state of being? it is a lifelong search i believe. i bet that i am not alone in this line of thought.

some think that it is a state of mind. when you believe and you think you are happy, then you are. it must take a lot of effort in being satisfied with what you have. contradictory to the human element of wanting more than what you already have.

some think that another's happiness is yours as well. talk about being selfless and being blindly in love. well, maybe one can say such, but deep inside are you really happy when you feel empty?

some are superficially "happy" with material things. when they get what they want there is the feeling of overwhelming satisfaction. but does that mean you are really contented? will a big house, a fat bank account, a groovy car compensate for the laughter, the hand-fitting- yours, the love of someone to share all these blessings with?

some feel that power is the end-all of our being. a successful career, the feeling that one can rule the universe will equate to a feeling of satisfaction. but does this mean that trampling on another human being is the right path to jubilation?

some say that serving Him and others is the right path to "heaven on earth". but why is it that inspite of that, it still entails so much pain and sacrifice that you won't even feel bliss? (well maybe not in this lifetime though)

i honestly do not know the path. if there is such a way to happiness, i doubt it if there is such a map to that destination. at this point, all i can do is believe (that it is achievable), hope (that good times are ahead), and pray (that we may be guided towards this path).

it may be not an easy road to tread. it may take more time for wounds to heal. it may involve more suffering and heartbreak. but i will find it...sometime...somewhere... somehow.

Currently listening to: through the rain - mariah carey
Currently reading: the wind-up bird chronicle(book 3) - h. murakami
Currently feeling: contemplative
Posted by princess_bride on December 29, 2005 at 10:05 AM | 9 danced with me
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Comment posted on January 4th, 2006 at 12:01 PM
a friend gave me a compilation of thoughts about happiness and what i like most is...

"Well," said Pooh, "what I like best," and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called. ~A.A. Milne

MAGIcAL (guest)

Comment posted on January 1st, 2006 at 11:48 PM
The sermon of the anticipated Mass I attended last Saturday sum it all up. The 3 S: Silence (of the mind), Simplicity (of the heart) and Serenity (of the soul). I think (because the priest's sermon is not about achieving happiness), once you have gained all three, happiness follows.
Comment posted on January 2nd, 2006 at 07:46 AM
wow. so profound. happy new year friendship. mwahhh..
Comment posted on December 30th, 2005 at 01:25 AM
Happiness is really evasive specially when there is a tiny voice in our hearts that says that we are not really happy and we are just pretending.
In my case, i started to be somewhat happy when I started not to care anymore at a certain point. True but hard to explain. Grr!!!
Take it easy ayt?! Happy New Year! Much hugs for you manang ko. :)
Comment posted on January 2nd, 2006 at 07:46 AM
thanks balong. happy new year to you as well. ;-)
Comment posted on December 30th, 2005 at 12:21 AM
Happiness is a state of mind... If you too would look deeply into it, there would be no happiness in this world... Hence ignorance is bliss...
Comment posted on January 2nd, 2006 at 07:45 AM
so i've heard. happy new year dude. ;-)
Comment posted on December 29th, 2005 at 01:51 PM
hi there!
i believe that happiness is the outcome of acceptance and satisfaction...then comes peace and love...
have a happy new year ahead!
God bless!
Comment posted on December 29th, 2005 at 02:29 PM
i guess happiness is a mix of a lot of elements. and i agree that acceptance and satisfaction are included in the list. thanks for the comments.
