December 16, 2005
something like a sense of detachment
"Here in the darkness, with its strange sense of significance, my memories began to take on a power they had never had before. The fragmentary images they called up inside me were mysteriously vivid in every detail, to the point where i felt i could grasp them in my hands." H. Murakami - The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
i am so much enjoying reading this book. there's a certain kind of weirdness in the writer's style - deeply philosophical. simply expressed yet so profound. it's that type of material that you'd want to read all over again not wanting to miss any message embedded in the story.
being in the dark whether literally or otherwise make an impact on one's life. ironically, it is where one sees the light. making everything else around you more clear, more significant, more glaring. one gets to reflect more and look back at memories like it was flashing right before your very eyes. and then certain things strike you, necessary to make your next step.
of course trying to see the light is never easy. you'd be crippled with fear at first. hesitation and doubt the next. but once you get used to the begin to open your eyes and see the illumination of a thought...just like light!
i got this text message this morning from a friend, it goes: "when i know things are not meant for me, i learn to let go. it doesn't mean i'm weak, but i'm just showing how strong i am to fight the urge of wanting something i'm not supposed to have" and it struck me like lightning...been in the dark for so long. didn't realize i was lingering...sometimes, groping for the light is not easy especially in pitch black darkness.
i am so much enjoying reading this book. there's a certain kind of weirdness in the writer's style - deeply philosophical. simply expressed yet so profound. it's that type of material that you'd want to read all over again not wanting to miss any message embedded in the story.
being in the dark whether literally or otherwise make an impact on one's life. ironically, it is where one sees the light. making everything else around you more clear, more significant, more glaring. one gets to reflect more and look back at memories like it was flashing right before your very eyes. and then certain things strike you, necessary to make your next step.
of course trying to see the light is never easy. you'd be crippled with fear at first. hesitation and doubt the next. but once you get used to the begin to open your eyes and see the illumination of a thought...just like light!
i got this text message this morning from a friend, it goes: "when i know things are not meant for me, i learn to let go. it doesn't mean i'm weak, but i'm just showing how strong i am to fight the urge of wanting something i'm not supposed to have" and it struck me like lightning...been in the dark for so long. didn't realize i was lingering...sometimes, groping for the light is not easy especially in pitch black darkness.
Posted by princess_bride on December 16, 2005 at 10:06 AM | 2 danced with me