month-end woes
it usually is toxic during this time of the month. mainly due to the month-end reports needed by management alongside the government remittances that needs more attention due to the recent changes in e-vat. this would go on till next week.
okey, i haven't really started with the reports. i'm stuck in the analysis of this one GL account. and its really driving me nuts. year end requirements is also another thing. drats i need to clear my head. it seems that there are a lot of clutter inside that needs cleaning up. hahaha...
at kids are preparing for exams a week from now. these teachers are giving them so many projects and assignments that they need to be guided most of the time. aside from the fact that i've been a frequent national bookstore visitor for all those supplies that they need in their projects. i just can't believe that these teachers can expect the kids to carry on with all that load. plus they must think that parents have magical powers that anytime they ask for something for school we could produce it on the spot. duhhhh!!!