some of the truths about love
i have been browsing the net just recently and stumbled upon good books that i've tagged to buy/ read soon. i been trying to finish The Rule of Four for the longest time. but since so much has been happening to me at work, i hardly have time to indulge in my favorite past time. my eyes are too tired in the evening to force myself to read the small fonts in my book. (oo na apat na mata ko...sigh)
hopefully, i get to finish it this long weekend. i hope i could squeeze some time for this. although me and my kids are preparing to leave at 1 am for La Union to attend a family reunion...i do hope i could sit down for at least an hour to finish the book and move on to another. reading books is like having relationships...if its interesting enough, you linger around and absorb everything. otherwise, you just digress...and give time if you have some to waste.
anyway, i came across something...i just thought i'd share it here. it's a review from a book by John Dufresne. an excerpt goes like this:
"Love is anticipation and memory, uncertainty and longing. It's unreasonable, of course. Nothing begins with so much excitement and hope and pleasure as love, except maybe writing a story. And nothing fails as often, except writing stories. And like a story, love must be troubled to be interesting. We crave love, can't live without its intimacy, though it pains us. Judi told me that every person in therapy has a love disorder: never felt love, can't find love, trapped by love, unraveled by love, thinks love is lust or love is loss, fears love, loves too much, uses love for profit, jealous in love, lost in love, love affairs, unrequited in embers, love in vain, love in shackles, love maligned, love that warps the mind a little."