November 18, 2005
friday i'm in love
haven't seen AA today. i think he's out of town on OB. tsk tsk tsk too bad
so how can i be in love on a friday? well, i'm not...hehehe... my entries titles this week are song titles. i just feel like using 'em. just to note the day of the week. well, definitely it could only go on for a week. don't have enough resources for days of the week in song titles. 
tomorrow is divisoria day. bestfriend at work is going and i decided to tag along. never had the courage to go to that place on my own. the area is too complicated for me to learn the ins and outs. well, getting there is easy but once you're there and you've searched around for stuff...i doubt it if i could find my way out.
there are a lot of loose ends in my life right now. but i decided to leave it at that. i can't afford to resolve them only to find out that i cannot keep my resolutions. this time, i decide to not talk abt it anymore and just act on it when i need to. right now, i think i'm proving myself right...and the weight of my decisions are getting a bit clearer by the day. i have to stop being melodramatic abt it. i just have to learn how to deal. this is long overdue girl, you will find your place in the sun...someday!

tomorrow is divisoria day. bestfriend at work is going and i decided to tag along. never had the courage to go to that place on my own. the area is too complicated for me to learn the ins and outs. well, getting there is easy but once you're there and you've searched around for stuff...i doubt it if i could find my way out.

there are a lot of loose ends in my life right now. but i decided to leave it at that. i can't afford to resolve them only to find out that i cannot keep my resolutions. this time, i decide to not talk abt it anymore and just act on it when i need to. right now, i think i'm proving myself right...and the weight of my decisions are getting a bit clearer by the day. i have to stop being melodramatic abt it. i just have to learn how to deal. this is long overdue girl, you will find your place in the sun...someday!
Posted by princess_bride on November 18, 2005 at 04:30 PM | 4 danced with me