It's impossible to make much progress if you're busy clinging to the very things that hold you back. At some point you must decide whether you want to truly move forward or not.

When you constantly have to work against your own negative habits and thought patterns, success will continue to elude you. Real achievement begins the moment you make the firm commitment to put yourself on your own side.

You think thousands of thoughts and take hundreds of actions on a daily basis. Within those thoughts and actions there is enormous opportunity to make real, substantial progress.

How much of that abundance of opportunity are you utilizing to move your life forward? And how much is being wasted, or even worse, pushing you backwards?

When you replace a negative, destructive habit with a creative, productive one, you get a double gain. You are suddenly free from something that was holding you back, and on top of that there is a new force working to move you forward.

Use your thoughts, use your words, and use the actions you take each day to put yourself squarely on your own side. And you'll be well on the way toward whatever you choose to achieve.

-- Ralph Marston

Posted by princess_bride on November 16, 2005 at 08:53 AM | 4 danced with me
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Comment posted on November 17th, 2005 at 02:49 AM
hmm... ang lalim!! hehehe. astig! :)
Comment posted on November 17th, 2005 at 08:36 AM
hehehe...forwarded e-mail lang po yan. ;-)
Comment posted on November 16th, 2005 at 09:35 PM
very nice motivator Sis!

i know i haven't been a cooperative email buddy, but i'm gonna have to say this, i miss your daily motivator emails! whaaaa!

will you send me again in your free time? i don't promise to reply but you can be sure, deep down, you've enlightened a soul. :-)

take care sis! Christmas is just around the corner. lemme be the first to greet you season's good tidings! :-D
Comment posted on November 17th, 2005 at 08:42 AM
aww, it's okey sis. i thought that you didn't like it so i stopped sending. don't worry, i'll send em again to you. now that i know that you like em. ;-)

thanks for the xmas greetings. malayo pa sis! at saka na kita i-greet. :-D hope we could have at least a xmas dinner together. :-)