November 15, 2005
tuesday afternoon
gloomy weather i should say. and my mood is keeping up with it.
stilll busy at work as usual. i need to finish my report before the end of the week. because on monday i will be going out of town for a two-day seminar in Tagaytay.
maybe a little time to relax and unwind as well. looking forward to it. i guess i need a break from my daily routine. i probably need time to think things over. a few things that shouldn't be bothering me anymore but still is. i think my hormones has a lot to do with it. 2nd red flag day. sigh
i am trying my very best to keep my distance. no building of walls though...just taking my time to realize my purpose. until when can i handle getting myself hurt all the time? until when will i let myself be stringed along... letting myself believe that it will get better tomorrow? until when will i let myself be mistreated? until when will i make excuses for another's misbehavior? i'm tired of this, of putting up with.....ME!!!

maybe a little time to relax and unwind as well. looking forward to it. i guess i need a break from my daily routine. i probably need time to think things over. a few things that shouldn't be bothering me anymore but still is. i think my hormones has a lot to do with it. 2nd red flag day. sigh
i am trying my very best to keep my distance. no building of walls though...just taking my time to realize my purpose. until when can i handle getting myself hurt all the time? until when will i let myself be stringed along... letting myself believe that it will get better tomorrow? until when will i let myself be mistreated? until when will i make excuses for another's misbehavior? i'm tired of this, of putting up with.....ME!!!

Posted by princess_bride on November 15, 2005 at 03:36 PM | 2 danced with me