November 14, 2005
manic monday
inspite of working during the weekend, it seems that my load isn't getting any lighter. my deadlines are looming in the horizon and i keep getting calls already from our svp. the long vacation during the first week caused all these.
my report being dependent on the system (sap) and on processes of various departments made it more difficult and time-constraining to prepare. to add insult to is the first report being required by upper management. so here i am toxic and super harassed...i need to de-stress...that's why the time for my blog. 
i have a crush at work. i dunno...he just seem to be a nice guy. i just appreciate his gentle nature and his looks. i don't know him personally, but i'm just happy to see him everyday. sometimes i wish i could just say hi and give him a smile. but i can't get myself to do it ...hahaha... goshes!....i feel that i'm too old for this already...
wake up!
get back to work girl!

i have a crush at work. i dunno...he just seem to be a nice guy. i just appreciate his gentle nature and his looks. i don't know him personally, but i'm just happy to see him everyday. sometimes i wish i could just say hi and give him a smile. but i can't get myself to do it ...hahaha... goshes!....i feel that i'm too old for this already...

get back to work girl!
Posted by princess_bride on November 14, 2005 at 11:47 AM | dance with me