November 8, 2005
i was chatting with friends last night. the usual conference conversations in YM. we were having fun roasting each other. then suddenly, out of the blue a rude joke was thrown by...none other than me. it was unintentional, i swear. but till now i feel so bad knowing i hurt someone special to me.
there are times when you just want to inflict pain on yourself for being so insensitive and reckless. ughhh....(my sincere apologies tatang...di na po mauulit)
visited an officemate in a hospital last night. when i was on my way out, bumped into Sister Isabel Angela, our Sch of the Holy Spirit High School Principal during my graduating year. since the hospital was run by S.Sp.S. congregation she was there for an assignment. she could hardly recognize me. hehehe...well, i guess age and motherhood can change a person a lot.
did a little catching up. who's who and where is who. honestly i forgot most of their names. hahaha. she was lightly scolding me for not keeping in touch with my batchmates. but i do, its just that i really don't have time for their socials and consistent bragging. hah! rich brats! although some are really nice girls. oh well, maybe i have to attend in one of our mini reunions sometime. but even my highschool barkada don't have enough patience to put up with these pa-sosyal gals. sigh...

visited an officemate in a hospital last night. when i was on my way out, bumped into Sister Isabel Angela, our Sch of the Holy Spirit High School Principal during my graduating year. since the hospital was run by S.Sp.S. congregation she was there for an assignment. she could hardly recognize me. hehehe...well, i guess age and motherhood can change a person a lot.
did a little catching up. who's who and where is who. honestly i forgot most of their names. hahaha. she was lightly scolding me for not keeping in touch with my batchmates. but i do, its just that i really don't have time for their socials and consistent bragging. hah! rich brats! although some are really nice girls. oh well, maybe i have to attend in one of our mini reunions sometime. but even my highschool barkada don't have enough patience to put up with these pa-sosyal gals. sigh...
Posted by princess_bride on November 8, 2005 at 08:57 AM | 2 danced with me