afloat and freaked out...
"be careful for what you wish for...coz wishes can come true."
you did had another day more than what you hoped for. it passed by like fleeting clouds. and caught you in between time. its like getting stuck in that moment when everything seems alright.
but the truth kept sticking out like sore thumb...painful and glaring. you just wish you didn't feel this much. coz you know very well how everything will end. and you wished some more...that you could ignore what your heart kept telling you all this time.
don't make the same mistake. be rational about the whole thing. and though now you'd like to believe so much that this is gonna be different, you can't deny the fact that somehow the "complications" is just around the corner ready to pounce on you anytime.
you wonder why life can be such a bitch sometimes....arrgghhhh...