you did not sleep well again. so much possibilities and probabilities running through your head. its happening again. the same feeling getting intense and deeper as each day passes. and its freaking you out. because you are afraid to get hurt again. because you might not be able to handle the pain anymore.

so you set aside those feelings. and try to keep your distance. but you realize how much he makes you feel good everyday. its  a great feeling. and it keeps you warm inside. hopeful that you can make this work out this time. happy that someone special is making you feel great again.

but beware. take your time. make tiny steps...for if you hurry you might hit rock bottom again and it may destroy you this time. know your boundaries. be less passionate. and try not to run away with your feelings. take it easy...slowly but surely.

though you know that you can never offer more than what he needs. you can just give what you can do a good friend till the end. coz that's what you're good at...and you know that even if this turns out to be different, what you can give will never be enough for him.

setting aside all past hurts and are just glad to feel good again.

Currently listening to: knocks me off my feet - tevin campbell
Currently feeling: silly
Posted by princess_bride on October 19, 2005 at 09:09 AM | dance with me
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