you wonder...
you watch people walking hand in hand or arms around one another's waist. you see them kiss and look into each other's eyes so full of love. and you remember your past loves. those who made you laugh and cry. those who hurt you so bad. those who treated you like dirt. and you wonder what makes you different.
you are deep in thought and trying to remember how wonderful it felt to be be cared for. you had those precious moments to treasure....and to long for. you begin to hate yourself for not being able to keep one love. the "one" who'd give up everything for you. you always had to share it with somebody or something else. and you wonder if you really deserve something as beautiful as that.
you are now willing to settle for something less. to feel less sad and less lonely. to have something to call your own at least for awhile. and you wonder what kind of person would do that.
you feel so small and so insignificant. and you wonder what is there for you in this life...