(Kevyn Lettau)

I have crossed a thousand bridges
In my search for something real
There were great suspension bridges
Made of spiderwebs of steel

There were tiny wooden trestles
And there were bridges made of stone
I have always been a stranger
And I've always been alone

There's a bridge to tomorrow
There's a bridge from the past
There's a bridge made of sorrow
That I pray would not last

There's a bridge made of colors
In the sky high above
And I'm certain there must be
Bridges made out of love

I can see him in a distance
On the rivers of the shore
And his hands reach out in longing
As my own have done before

And I call across to tell him
Where I believe the bridge must lie
And I'll find it, yes I'll find it
If I search until I die

When the bridge is between us
We'll have nothing to fear
We will run through the sunlight
And you'll meet me halfway

There's a bridge made of colors
In the sky high above
And I'm certain there must be
Bridges made out of love

La, la, la...


a beautiful song. i remember way back someone telling me how its wiser to build bridges than walls. i believe him now. and i know that whether its a bridge of friendship or still is a bridge made out of love.
Currently feeling: content
Posted by princess_bride on October 1, 2005 at 11:17 PM | 2 danced with me
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Comment posted on October 11th, 2005 at 06:41 AM
i love this song too. ;-)
Comment posted on October 1st, 2005 at 11:27 PM
my mom used to sing that to me...