here i am again. sitting on my bed in front of my PC. feeling like hell. i guess the meds are not working. called my doctor yesterday and she increased the dosage of one med. i don't think its helping...i dunno maybe it needs more time.

good thing that my boss understands what's going on with me. but of course i can't expect them to wait forever for me. i just need to get over this asap. i don't like what i'm feeling. parang lalo ata akong nagkakasakit sa ginagawa nila.

looking forward though to a "new" me. since the surgery will fix my hormones....then i guess that would mean me handling stress better. maybe being less sensitive, less of a drama queen, more that's a lot to look forward to. i still am hoping that after that, things in my life will fall into place. (i wish!)

right now...i'm still wishing, hoping, thinking, dreaming that things will get better tomorrow....

Currently listening to: selling the drama - live
Currently feeling: sick
Posted by princess_bride on August 18, 2005 at 03:16 PM | 2 danced with me
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Comment posted on August 18th, 2005 at 09:13 PM
i had to look for the meaning of adrenalin disorder. inside the training room, i was going over ALL the entries of princess_bride. i know (gut-feel) somewhere there is a connection to the thoughts and feelings manifested in the entries. it just can't be! i can't believe i'm actually reading the same blog (in spirit) but now camouflaged in a new name. what happened? is it that bad?
Comment posted on August 19th, 2005 at 10:01 AM
well, the doctors said that once the lump is removed i will be a-okey. but right now i feel like hell. :-( thanks for dropping by sis. i knew you would find me. :P