Entries for September, 2017


From the beginning, I'd like to pretend it was me

The ambiguity was driving me crazy

And still, to numb the pain, I'd pretend it was me

When you were waiting, when you were missing someone

I pretend it was me

The songs you like, the lyrics of love and longing

I pretend it was for me

The falling and catching, the dream of a happy ending

I wanted to pretend it was with me.

Until I got tired of pretending, because it was never about me.

After all these years, no matter how hard I wish for it,

It was never going to be me.

~ Cloudy


Back from a 12 day trip from SG. It was business mixed with pleasure. Suffice it to say, it was an awesome trip with lots of good memories to reminisce. Bonded with colleagues who are now becoming my good friends. I was tired with long work hours, and then fun times at night and less sleep. But I was happy. Next strat plan to be held early 1Q next year, they are thinking about doing it in Brazil or wherever we haven't done this mtg at. Something to look forward to.

Currently listening to: what you won't do for love - bobby caldwell
Currently reading: The light between oceans - ML Stedman
Currently feeling: reflective
Posted by princess_bride on September 13, 2017 at 09:12 AM | dance with me
« 2017/08 · 2017/10 »